September lookback

I thought I would do a look back at September, how did the month go and how is it going with my autumn goals.

I feel that September has passed by really fast because I have been so busy with school and the projects and cases we are working on. Already by now we have learned a lot of new things, tools and programs, and I don’t feel there is enough time to get good at the new tools because then there are some other new things we need to learn to use. It’s hard work to do an education that should have been 3 years, but you do it in 2 years.  

a sign telling about the temperature at Sluseholmen, Copenhagen in September

I haven’t got into the habit of being back at school and managing my time yet, because of that I didn’t reach the goals I sat for September. But it’s a process and I just have to keep on trying. I have been to the gym at least once a week, I went for a swim once a week and I feel good about that, and I focus on improving going to the gym 3 times a week. About walking 10 km a day, I didn’t manage it, my avenge km a day in September was 9,1 km, it could have been better. My last goal is keeping my sleep schedule and that one is not going well at all, to be honest. It is also the one I knew would be the hardest to do, but I haven’t given up on it, I just have to keep trying.

Temperature at Sluseholmen, Copenhagen in September

Here in October, I will still try to achieve my goals and keep a positive mind.


Skincare routine


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