Shopping tips for grocery shopping

It’s always nice to be able to save some money on your everyday groceries. Here at home, we try to plan our meals, have the basic groceries that we need and try to buy them when they are on sale. We do one big shopping day a week and get most of what we need, and during the week we buy the things we need that doesn’t stay fresh for long.

At one of the supermarkets nearby us, they have one Sunday every month where they have 25% off on everything organic. We buy a lot of our groceries organic and luckily in Denmark it is easy to find most organic groceries at the regular supermarkets.

I always look if there are some good offers on non-perishable foods like plant based mylks, canned goods and groceries for the freezer.

Shopping cart with groceries

Every Wednesday, we get a box of fresh vegetables delivered to our door, which most of the time covers our needs for a week. The vegetables in the box have been discarded from regular sales because of overproduction or that they don’t live up to the standard of how vegetables in supermarkets look, and they are mostly organic too. I really like the concept because why waste food that is perfectly fine but might not look like it on the surface.

Cat with vegetables

September lookback


Being back at school